Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I love torn worn clothes

I have a great sense of sentimental value on old stuff. Of course, a girl must not show her weakness in front of other girls. So when I was staying in a residential college in UM, my new clothes were my home clothes. Some people thought I was some rich brat which was only half true but in actual fact, I am a poor brat.

Of course, I even made a super cute pep song for myself to attract more jealousy to feed my narcissism.

I'm the queen of trash. And cute guys bow to me (and that only happens in dreams).

There's a difference when I'm at home. I have an inferior complex with my younger sister, an air stewardess to be who is much taller and prettier than me.

Nevertheless, I love wearing torn clothes because it's so comfy. Mum threw all that clothes away but I went to collect it back in the trash can.

Aha! Is my sister finally jealous of me or something?

... I'm... boobless...

1 comment:

Fem Choices said...

Nevermind. You have a sense of humor which will still be a huge asset in 20 years.

Meanwhile she will have droopy papayas down to her waist! tee hee